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Total Distribution Service, Inc.

Specialized and Guaranteed Port Trucking
Los Angeles and Long Beach CA

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Our mission

Total Distribution Service, Inc. (TDS) has been family owned and operated since our founding in 1996 and we count our diverse team of drivers, dispatchers, and staff as part of that family. The TDS mission is to utilize our experience, coupled with advanced emerging technologies, to deliver port trucking services the likes of which the world has never seen. We stand behind our team with a guarantee of service excellence and will quickly become the strongest link in your supply chain. In our industry riddled with potholes, TDS consistently routes a smooth ride from port to door and everywhere in between.

Drivers of excellence

24/7 Service

Staffed 24/7 to take immediate advantage of every opportunity.

Secured Operations

Heavily experienced with high value cargo and high demand enterprises.

Real Time Communication

Tech focused to ensure full and immediate data transmission & transparency.

Why TDS?

team of customer service experts


Experienced service representatives are incentivized to think outside the box and function as dedicated 3rd party members of your team.

experienced drivers and employees


Our diverse supply chain backgrounds create a well-rounded management team that is second to none.

integrity and trusted partnerships


Building trusted partnerships is a foundation of our company culture, allowing for over 2 decades of continuous service to many of our valued customers.

man using technology in cargo yard


Proactive data acquisition, analysis and presentation keeps our operation efficient and our customers consistently and clearly informed.

Powered by the latest technology

State of the art Transportation Management

Guaranteeing you fast and proficient service through advanced software

  • Customizable EDI integration

  • Automated KPI reporting

  • Automated appointment integrations

  • Detention and demurrage fighting software

  • GPS with advanced geofence and breadcrumb tech